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The Second International Conference on Philosophy and Culture
August 10–15, 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia
Organizer: The Philosophical and Cultural Research Centre
"EIDOS" (The St. Petersburg Association of Scientists) and the
Faculty of Philosophy, St. Petersburg University
Co-organizers: The World Institute for Advanced Phenomenological Research and Learning (USA) and the International Institute for Peace and Global Responsibility (University of London)
The Conference is being held with the aim to give thinkers with different “paradigms of philosophizing” the opportunity to meet and discuss the modern state and the future of philosophy and the humanities. We encourage the participation of both leading scholars and independent philosophers. The main task of the Conference is a comparative analysis of the various types of philosophical, religious, scientific and historical discourse. This task is very important in the modern world of specializations, and we hope that the Conference will stimulate the development of mutual understanding between representatives of different countries and cultural spheres.
Key speakers
Prof. Paul Ricoeur (France),Prof. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (USA),Prof. Stefan Morawski (Poland), Prof. Berel Lang (USA), Prof. Stanley Rosen (USA)
Parallel Sessions & Workshops
- The postmodern conditions and the conditions for methaphysics: life, language, knowledge, text and ontology.
- Philosophy as art & art as philosophy
- Metaphilosophy, or vital meditation on the future of philosophy and the philosopher.
- Phenomenology and Hermeneutics: sources and prospects.
- Philosophical and religious experience: the limits of its potential unity
- The ontological and existential intention of philosophy: Western European, Russian, and Eastern Traditions.
Conference Organizer
* The Philosophical and Cultural Research Centre "EIDOS"
(The St. Petersburg Association of Scholars and Scientists)
Conference Co-Organizers
- The World Institute for Advanced Phenomenological Research and Learning
- The International Institute for Peace and Global Responsibility, University of
London (UK)
Sponsors & Support
- The Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research
- Renaissance Petersburg-Leningrad an International Charitable Foundation
- Goethe-Institute
- St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- St. Petersburg University
- Russian Institute of the History of Arts
International Program Committee
Chair: Prof. Liubava Moreva, Russia
Honorary Member: Prof. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, USA
Secretary General: Prof. Igor Yevlampiev, Russia
Members: Dr. Thomas Clough Daffern, UK, Prof. Bohdan Dziemidok, Poland, Prof. Veiko Runtala, Finland, Dr. Erna Oesch, Finland, Prof. Soren Stenlund, Sweden
International Organizing Committee
Chair: Prof. Liubava Moreva, Russia
Honorary Member: Alexander Margolis, Russia
Secretary General: Prof. Igor Yevlampiev, Russia
Members: Prof. Alexander Gogin, Dr. Boris Sokolov, Prof. Vera Serkova, Dr. Irina Kusmina, Semion Levin, Alexander Bokshitskiy, Aleksey Shinkarev,. Dr. Erna Oesch (Finland), Mr. William Doll (USA), Mr. Breton Carr (USA)
The Third International Conference on Philosophy and Culture
arranged by The St.Petersburg Branch of The Russian Institute for Cultural Research
of the Russian Federation Ministry of Culture and Russian Academy of Sciences
The St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The Philosophical and Cultural Research Center "Eidos"
of the St. Petersburg Association of Scientists and Scholars
With assistance:
- Goethe Institute in St.Petersburg
- Institut Francais de Saint-Petersburg
- Dutch Scientific and Cultural Institute St.Petersburg
under the auspices of UNESCO
to be held September 17-21, 1998, St.Petersburg, Russia
Modernity in all its aspects always presents the biggest difficulties for its scholarly examination; but at the end of the XX century the state of society, man, and culture proves to be so “kaleidoscopic”, controversial and multi-faceted, that those who attempt to study it often end up with totally opposing opinions.
Today, human beings deal with serious shifts in the paradigmatic system of co-ordinates in respect to their values and orientation. With all the flexibility of this system, a certain caution is needed to preserve its vital power based upon the principal differentiation between the modes of ‘ascending’ and ‘descending’. Ignoring of, or insensibility to, this differentiation, all forms of ontological indifference, end up with orientation crisis, with total disappearance of sense in human life, with existential emptiness.
The on-going search for the new possibilities of productive syntheses of philosophic, scientific, artistic and religious experience in modern culture demands methodologically-accurate research practices that include very deep attention to the underlying space of traditions.
Comparative analysis of diverse cultural and historical forms of interaction among philosophy, science, art and religion gives a possibility to adequately evaluate the increasing longing for unity in modern culture, as well as to see a certain meaning in the dissipational processes in culture, together with the crises in values and orientation that they bring about.
As opposed to the past epochs, when culture was dominated by steady, long-established tendencies, modern culture is characterised by increasing dynamism, the appearance of totally new directions and streams, the non-trivial basic interaction of different spheres and fields, and the elimination of the borders between “low” and “high” genres. All this makes the structure of the modern cultural process very complex and heterogeneous, and requires research attention from the positions of comparative analysis, with the aim of revealing different layers of cultural idiosyncrasy and creative potentialities of the intercultural dialogue.
External intensity of modern cultural processes leads to the issue of the inner constants of culture per se, about those ultimate images, meanings and symbols that determine the ontological and existential dimensions of man in the world, that crystallise the space of man’s existence.
The major aim of the Conference is to promote a multi-faceted space of information and communication that would provide the dynamics of interdisciplinary studies, and their epistemological and heuristic value. The understanding of an inner unity of culture and dialogue assists in the assertion of ontological resistance of modern culture to all kinds of violence, revealing its creative, harmonising potentials.
The Conference is characterised by an open, interdisciplinary atmosphere. It has traditionally brought together philosophers, philologists, psychologists, historians, experts on cultural studies, artists, writers, cultural managers, etc. The preliminary topics for discussion are the following:
The St.Petersburg Branch of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research & Philosophical and Cultural Research Centre EIDOS
(St.Petersburg Association of Scientists and Scholars) with the assistance of:
- St.Petersburg Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- St.Petersburg Palace of Scientists - Department of Theory of Culture
- St.Petersburg Theatre of Architectural Interiors
- Goethe Institute in St.Petersburg
on June 10-12, 1997 hold
the Third International Symposium in Philosophy and Theory of Culture
The general purpose of the upcoming meeting is to propose, as an ultimate problem, the very notion of metaphilosophy, the sources and reasons of its emergence, and its intensive development at the end of this millenium.
The XXth century process of philosophy has come to the necessity of putting forth an absolutely new problem which was unfamiliar to classic thought - that is, the problem of “metaphilosophical knowledge”. The tendency towards a specialization and differentiation of culture and its separate spheres, which has been increasing during this century, has considerably touched philosophy too. Deep and productive studies in the fields of epistemology, methodology, logics, phenomenology, axiology, philosophical antropology etc. have brought us to a secularization of separate areas of philosophical knowledge and, partly, even to their isolation. As a result, philosophy has begun to lose its consistency, as well as a meaning of its reflexion’s sole “object”. No doubt, this situation leads to philosophy’s consequential loss of its role in culture, and its dissolution in specialized natural and human sciences. The fate of linguistic philosophy and philosophical structuralism are an example of such a process.
Contemporary metaphilosophical studies aim to restore the philosophy’s ideas of a united object of its reflexion it is losing now, of a whole metaphysical problematics which lies at its roots, and, precisely, of the “self-identity” of philosophy, as well as its many connections with different spheres of culture.
Themes proposed for discussion:
- Philosophy at the border of milleniums: problems and perspectives
- Traditions and innovations in contemporary metaphysics
- The problem of the “self-identity” of philosophy
- Philosophy and the religious experience in today’s society and culture
- Post-modernism in philosophy and culture: positive and negative experience
- Traditions of Russian religious philosophy and modern trends in the philosophy’s development
- The “metabolisms”of life, text, language. Metapoetry - metaphilosophy
Applications and abstracts (1 page) are accepted till May 15, 1997
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