WORLD RELIGIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CONTEMPORARY CULTURE: NEW PERSPECTIVES OF DIALOGUE AND MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING Christianity and Islam in the Context of Contemporary Culture: New Prospects of Dialogue and Mutual Understanding in the Russian Federation and Eastern Europe, in Central Asia and the Caucasus
International research project 'World Religions in the Context of the Contemporary Culture: New Perspectives of Dialogue and Mutual Understanding', has been conducted since 2010 by UNESCO Chair in Comparative Studies of Spiritual Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Interreligious Dialogue, functioning on the basis of St.Petersburg Branch of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research, acting in wider framework of the International Network of UNESCO/UNITWIN Chairs on Interfaith dialogue for Intercultural Understanding, in close cooperation and with financial and organizational support of UNESCO Moscow Office for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, the Republic of Moldova, and the Russian Federation.
The project, which has united dozens of academic researchers in different counties of the world on the basis of the ideals and strategies of UNESCO, has been constructed in order to achieve the following objectives: - define basic regularities and perspectives of the modern period of intet-civilizational, inter-cultural, and interfaith dialogue of world religions, which takes part in the framwework of a new, global cibilization, with both its challenges, and broad prospects; - detect keynote historical and geographical, social and political, cultural and psychological, religious and psychological peculiarities and prerequisites of a constructive 'dialogue of cultures'; - create data base of optimal strategies and tactics (good practices) of conducting constructive interfaith dialogue along the following main lines: - fostering peace culture and social cohesion (especially in cases of target groups, as women, migrants, the new poor in present-day urban agglomerations); - enhancing cultural diversity, and the creative potential of the society in general; - establishing optimal ways of inclusion of higher education into the context of dialogue between world religious traditions.
Present stage of the International research project 'World Religions in the Context of the Contemporary Culture: New Perspectives of Dialogue and Mutual Understanding', conducted in the course of the first half of the year 2011, has consisted in conducting research dedicated to basic regularities, challenges, and perspectives in interfaith dialogue between the adherents of Christianity and Islam. Russian Federation was chosen as a focal point for the study, represented by both regions of the traditional flourishing of Christianity and Islam, and present-day urban agglomerations, where new modes of 'meeting of cultures' are being created. Other focal regions included Eastern Europe, primarily Belarus and Moldova, countries of the Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan), as well as the Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia).
In the course of conducting this stage of the project, experts in both basic problems of interfaith dialogue, as well as different religious and cultural traditions, have conducted detailed research of problems and prospects, critical points and points of growth, actual tactics and strategies, basing on data of their respective regions, and presented them in the form of short texts. After that, a Working meeting was organized in the city of St.Petersburg, Russia, on the historical premises of the St.petersburg Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in order to elaborate and supplement their texts, basing on the results of intensive two-day discussions. Finally, the editorial board has elaborated the definitive version of the international collective monograph 'World Religions in the Context of the Contemporary Culture: New Perspectives of Dialogue and Mutual Understanding. Christianity and Islam in the Context of Contemporary Culture: New Prospects of Dialogue and Mutual Understanding in the Russian Federation and Eastern Europe, in Central Asia and the Caucasus' in Russian and English, as well as in French (about 300 pages all-in-all), which is now being prepared for publication by one of the publishing houses of St.Petersburg.
The book is divided into three parts, the first of which is dedicated to 'Fundamental problems of interfaith dialogue in the present-day world', the second one presents 'Issues and Prospects of Dialogue between Islam and Christianity in Multi-ethnic Societies of the Present-day World', while the third one contains 'Reflections on Fundamental Issues of Education for New Prospects of Interfaith Dialogue in the Context of Contemporary Culture'. The book is intended primarily for young students, as well as for broader international reading audience, interested in a new and dynamic realm of science, namely, the theory of intercultural, interfaith dialogue, especially between the adherents of Christianity and Islam. It is abundantly illustrated by pictures and photos, some of which are unique, and is prone to serve as a true introduction into the world of religious and cultural diversity of present-day world, especially the post-Soviet countries.
International Conference
(for the centenary of Akira Kurosawa’s birth)
20-22 June 2010, Moscow
The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Russian Institute for Cultural Research, and the 32nd Moscow International Film Festival in partnership with the AK100Projeсt (Japan), the Japan Art Rainbow (Japan), the Gosfilmofond of Russia (the State Film Archives of the Russian Federation), the Film Art Research Institute and the Gerasimov All-Russian State University for Cinematography have a pleasure to announce the International Conference dedicated to the centenary of Akira Kurosawa to be held in Moscow on 20-22 June 2010. The Conference is put on the list of the official events dedicated to the centenary of Akira Kurosawa in Japan and included in the programme of the 32nd Moscow International Film Festival.
The Organizing Committee of the Conference invites film critics and scholars in history, philosophy and theory of culture and film art who study the Kurosawa’s legacy to take part in the Conference.
The oeuvre of this outstanding Japanese film director provides the most striking example of the interaction of cultures. Along with developing the traditional Japanese “samurai” genre, Kurosawa often turned to European and American art forms including the “western” in the Seven Samurai, the Shakespearean drama (the Throne of Blood based on Macbeth), or Dostoevsky’s novel (The Idiot). In his native country the filmmaker was sharply criticised for such ‘borrowings’ so that in the 1970s, he was deprived of the opportunity to work in Japan. It was then that he made one of his best movies – screen adaptation of V.Arsenyev’s Dersu Uzala shot at the “Mosfilm” studios. The film gained world recognition and in 1975 won the Main Award of the Moscow International Film Festival and the Academy of Motion Picture, Arts and Sciences Award for Best Foreign Language Film (Oscar).
The analysis of Akira Kurosawa’s heritage in terms of cultural interaction is of particular topicality today in the light of the current approaches to the diversity of cultural expression, of inter- and transculturalism.
The aim of the conference is to analyse and evaluate the impact of Akira Kurosawa’s work on the world culture. The Programme of the Conference will include the following sessions:
Plenary Session
THE LAST SAMURAI OF JAPANESE CINEMA Kurosawa’s Contribution to the Development of World Cinematography
Session 1
Topics for discussion: • Between tradition and innovation: in search of the genre • Transcultural communication and a choice of subject • Diversity and originality of genres: the creative balance
Session 2
A SIGN, A METAPHOR, AN ALLEGORY: Kurosawa’s Symbolic Language
Topics for discussion: • Mind plays: film language and its interpretation • Life on the screen: within a metaphoric space • The language of symbols: a polylogue between the director, film and spectator
Session 3
CULTURAL ENTWINEMENT: Interaction of Cultural Codes in Kurosawa’s Oeuvre
Topics for discussion: • Japanese culture: from isolationism to universal receptivity • Cultural codes: issues of translatability • Representation and interpretation of cultures in the screen’s space
Closing Session:
THE ARTIST, HIS LIFE AND CREATIVITY: Akira Kurosawa’s Legacy in the Global Context
The working languages of the Conference are Russian, English, and Japanese.
Please e-mail your abstract and your application form to with the subject line: The Conference “Akira Kurosawa’s Legacy in the Context of Russian and World Culture”.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Moscow. Yours sincerely, The Organising Committee
The deadline for submission of the application is 15 May 2010
Arrival of the Conference participants– 20 June 2010 Conference – 21 June 2010 Departure of participants– 22 June 2010
For more information please contact: Dr. Nina Kochelyaeva Executive Secretary of the Conference Organising Committee
Ms Irina Alekseenko Conference Coordinator
Phone: +7 (495) 959 09 08 Fax: +7 (495) 959 10 17
Web sites:
Russian Institute for Cultural Research, Russia 119072, Moscow, Bersenevskaya nab., 20 tel.: 7 (495) 959 09 08 fax: 7 (495) 959 10 17
The Organising Committee reserves the right to decline applications that do not correspond to the subject matter of the Conference.
The Conference Organization Committee will provide the official invitation or a letter of rejection before 31 May 2010.
Please find enclosed the Application Form.
Russian Institute for Cultural Research
in conjunction with
Herzen Russian State Pedagogical Institute; St.Petersburg State University; St.Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts; Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera); Russian Academy of Sciences; Scientific Council of Russian Academy of Sciences, “History of World Culture”; Russian State Humanitarian University; Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy; Scientific-Educational Society for Cultural Research, supported by St.Petersburg Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences; Committee for Foreign Relations of St.Petersburg; International Association “Russian Culture”; St.Petersburg Institute for Humanitarian Education; and UNESCO Chair for Comparative Studies of Spiritual Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Inter-Religious Dialogue
the 3rd Russian Congress with international participation for Cultural Research, October 27 to 29, in St.Petersburg, Russia. The Congress will address “Creativity in the Space of Tradition and Innovation” as its main topic.
More information:
About the preparation for the Third Russian Congress in Cultural Research
On April 20, 2009, the Scientific Council of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research stated the intention to convene the Third Russian Congress in Cultural Research. The Congress will take place in Saint-Petersburg the end of October 2010 (the dates will be announced later). The theme of the Congress is "Creativity in the space of tradition and innovation". The Congress program will include international participation in panel discussions, round tables, plenary sessions, and section meetings. A rich cultural program is being planned. Further information about the Congress will be posted on this site.
New design
The site of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research has been renewed. All of information and materials are still on the old places. Therefore the new engine was created, some pages may be lost by searching systems like Google and etc. It will be repair during a couple of weeks.